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                                                                      The Prototype


Miracle is the first of what was suppose to be many.

Miracle was the only pup to survive out of her litter and her mother Bomaye was lost after delivery.

Miracle is better than we imagined from the planned Breeding of Blade x Bomaye (a line bred Rock Breeding).

Miracle confirmation is 2nd to none naturally. She moves like she is on skates, almost like a glitch in the Matrix.

Miracle movement is like she disappears and appears from one spot to another.

Miracle jumps 6 feet with no effort like a kangaroo, fast twitch muscles.

Miracle is more hyper driven than any pitbull I have ever owned but what makes her special is her intelligence.

Miracle has control. All of her elevated hyper drive is under total control.

No stumbling, she stops on a dime, perfect lateral movements.

No accidents, her eyes focused looking awaiting her next command.

Some choose to go through walls - Some choose to work harder

Some choose to go through doors - Some choose to work smarter

Imagine ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) with Hyperactivity multiplied and Attention-Deficit removed  

We value intelligence


Miracle is a priceless gem here at Show Improve Kennels.

I can't see it getting much better than her but we can't what to see.

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